How to book an escort in Penang? Is that legal?

How to book an escort in Penang

Visit our website and go to the 'Penang Escort' category. Browse the profiles and choose a girl you like. Click the Telegram icon at the bottom right to contact our customer service. Tell them which girl you like and your location.

Is prostitution / escort legal in Penang?

Short answer is, it's YES, if you are the customer. And it's is NO, if you are the OTK, sex provider or muslim. Under Malaysian law, several key offences related to prostitution carry severe penalties. Exploiting individuals for prostitution under Section 372 of the Penal Code is punishable by up to 15 years in prison, fines, or whipping. Similarly, living off the earnings of prostitution, as outlined in Section 372A, can result in a sentence of up to 15 years in jail or fines. Managing or assisting in the management of a brothel, covered under Section 373, carries the same maximum punishment of 15 years in jail or fines. Kidnapping someone with the intent to force them into prostitution, as stated in Section 366, is punishable by up to 10 years in prison or fines. Lastly, under the Minor Offences Act 1955 (MOA 1955), indecent behavior in public for the purpose of promoting sexual services can lead to a fine of up to RM100 or imprisonment for up to one month.